Lifestyle and home

How do you tell a woman that you like her?

You spend all your free time together, you love to be with her, or simply love entered your heart at an unexpected moment. You can’t find a good argument to share your emotions with her and ask her to go…

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Physically and morally : what are the qualities that appeal most to women?

For centuries, men have been trying to find out what characteristics appeal to women. At one time or another, they have all wondered about how to become the perfect man. It is true that each woman is unique, each has…

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Leisure: all the things you need to know before fixing up an old car

The restoration of classic cars is a dream that the majority of motors port enthusiasts wish to cherish. Although the adventure is often captivating, it requires a lot of commitment, time and money. Since such an adventure represents a monumental…

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20 recipes for non-alcoholic party drinks

In recent years, dietary supplements have become increasingly popular for a slimming diet. With a turnover of 1.62 billion euros (Synadiet’s figures), they are gradually increasing to adapt to the needs of their customers. Flat stomach, appetite suppressant, fat burner…

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Caipirinha : a delicious Brazilian cocktail

Preparation: 2 minutes Cooking time : Other time factors : utensils needed: icecrusher, pestle, straws Of course, a good cachaça is important, like the “Pitú” or the “NêgaFulô” usedhere. Tips not to beneglected As far as sugar is concerned, brown…

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Does DIY have an impact on life expectancy?

Do-it-yourself, engaging in manual projects and doing small and large jobs would improve the quality of ourlives. Many scientific studies carried out in Italy and abroad, especially in Sweden, have demonstrated this. Working at home, cutting, gardening or restoring furniture…

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Zoom on the best gay dating apps

Let’s face it, the vast majority of dating sites and dating applications have been heterocentric, with almost no room for homosexuals. Thus, if a personis gay, queer, trans sexual or bisexual, they may not find their place there. Fortunately, the…

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Hiring a love coach: at what point in your relationship?

Also known as a “couple coach”, a love coach helps couples to overcome the difficulties that may arise in their relationship. It can be a new situation that is threatening the couple’s love life, such as the arrival of a…

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