Tips for a first appointment abroad : depending on the country

Who makes the first move?Who pays for the food? And when do you go to bed with your companion? Meetings abroad must respect certain rules. At the time of Tinder, Speed Datings and Co., we don't make it easy to find true love in this country. But what if we go looking in France, Australia or the United States? Dating in other countries can quickly put you in the stirrup. The dating application "Jaumo" asked for the most important rules of conduct. We present you the dating guide for different destinations.

Dating in the United States

In America, there are clear rules for dating. Traditionally, the man must make the first step and ask you to go out withhim. The first date does not take place in a bar, but usually in a restaurant - the man pays. First-date sex is considered illegal in the United States. Many wait until marriage, but at least until the third date. Moreover, in America, "hunting" is a supreme discipline in love. This means that you should never call first, even though you usually have to wait two to three days for a call or message. After a few dates, you should clarify "exclusive rights". If you don't do this, you may meet other people at the same time.

Meetings in Brazil

In South America, on the other hand, every thing seems different : Brazilians like to give and receive compliments. However, they are rather cautious about "gringos", i.e. non-Brazilians. So be a little careful with the distribution of flattery and seduction. Otherwise, you will quickly get the impression that you only want a little help. Once you've found the man or woman of your dreams and you're in a relationship, you have the right to show it publicly in Brazil - including holding hands and the like. Don't worry if your partner introduces you to his or her family after the first date. This is completely normal and part of their culture.

Dating in France

The first step on the road to a relationship is always the date. It may happen that French women cancel a first date first. Whoever asks for a new date now shows serious interest and this impresses the ladies in France. Of course, this only applies to dating. With all physical approaches, no means no. A kiss officially seals the relationship. However, the ghost is totally foreign to the French. If you don't want to date anymore, say so clearly and unambiguously.

Dating in Japan

No other culture has as many idiosyncrasies in dating as Japan. Here, they attach great importance to politeness, etiquette and above all punctuality. So if you are late for an appointment, you have already lost. In general, relationships in Japan develop very slowly. In the beginning, you meet with mutual friends in larger groups. If you are interested in each other, you let your counter part know with an "I love you". Don't panic at the three magic words - it means as much as our "I like you". Then the real meeting can begin. You never celebrate your relationship in public - in Japan this is considered forbidden!

Dating in the Netherlands

Holland is very similar to our culture of encounters. There is equality here. So if you like a man, you can ask him out as much as heasks you out. Who wants to wait for the prince to come to you - take the first step ! When your first date approaches, you can wear whatever you want. Your outfit can also be casual. Does the man have to pay the bill? This is not the case in the Netherlands : Here it is common practice to share, in a spirit of equality.

Dating in Korea

In Japan's neighboring country, too, the exchange of affection among the public is not viewed favourably. The only exception : those who like to celebrate their love by holding hands can do so. The rule for dates is: one person pays the entire bill. But it doesn't have to be the man who always has to be present, you can take turns. If you have found true love in your date and you become a couple, you will celebrate your birthday differently than you are used to. In Korea, we don't calculate in months or years, but in units of 100 days apart.

Dating in Australia

There are actually no rules for proper behavior in relationships. Because : here, a relationship develops mainly from friendships and only becomes concrete after a few encounters. As for us, there is no guide line, however, from how many dates we are together or from when we are in the box. There is also no specific procedure for the first step. That's why you can still talk to someone. But : whoever invites you to an appointment usually pays the bill. Or it is shared.

Dating in Sweden

The Swedes do not talk about "rendez vous". First of all, they meet informally for "fika". Don't panic, it's not what you think, but it refers to a meeting with coffee, tea and cookies - in the afternoon. If there have been a few such meetings, you can also go to a movie or restaurant.

Dating in Russia

In the land of the tsars, the roles of men and women are clearly divided. And this also applies to their dating behaviour. Men make the first step and often court their chosen ones with flowers and other things. When you make a bouquet, it is essential to pay attention to an odd number of flowers. Why should you do this? In Russia an even number of flowers is brought only to funerals and mourning. In Russia, women are treated like a real princess on a date : They open the door, help her out of her coat, and of course, the man pays the bill. In return, the women make themselves particularly beautiful for this evening, with chic dresses and high heels.

Dating in Mexico

Mexicans are macho?You're not wrong. Because here, gender roles are still very clear. So when a man whistles at you in Mexico, it's just a sign tha the loves you, not a pejorative gesture. That's why women must be particularly feminine and show their figure with appropriate clothing. In Mexico, the ruleis: the man invites you out and pays the bill.
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